Am I a candidate for dental implants?

At Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery in Midlothian, TX, we understand the importance of a healthy and confident smile. Dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative dentistry, offering the next best thing to having beautiful, natural teeth. Implants in Ellis County are fully functional and aesthetically attractive, offering everything from single tooth replacement to complete oral rehabilitation. But not everyone qualifies for this innovative treatment. Here’s what you need to know going into a consultation with our oral surgeon:

Understanding How Implants Work

Dental implants consist of three main components: the implant itself (a titanium post that replaces the tooth root), an abutment that connects to the top of your implant, and the custom-made restoration that mimics the appearance and function of a natural tooth above your gum tissues.

Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants

Good Oral Health: 

Candidates with a history of maintaining good oral hygiene are typically prime candidates for dental implants. Healthy gums and a strong jawbone are essential for successful implantation. However, even if you have experienced some bone loss, techniques like bone grafting or sinus augmentation can often make dental implants feasible. The key is to work with a specialist who offers these services, as they may not be available with a general dentist.

Adults of All Ages: 

There’s no cut-off age for getting dental implants. Even if you’re retired or a busy grandparent, you can still consider implants! However, we do want your mouth to be fully developed, so younger teenagers will need to wait before considering this treatment. 

Non-Smokers Preferred: 

Smoking can hinder the healing process after implant surgery and increase the risk of implant failure. While smokers can still be considered for dental implants, quitting smoking before the procedure can improve the chances of success.

Stable Health Conditions: 

Certain systemic conditions like uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune disorders might affect the healing process. However, every case is unique, and a consultation with our experienced Midlothian implant specialist can provide clarity regarding your eligibility.

Commitment to Aftercare: 

Dental implants require regular maintenance, just like natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups are crucial to ensuring the longevity of your implant.

Exploring Case-by-Case Considerations

Every situation is unique, and our skilled oral surgeon will take a personalized approach to determine the most suitable treatment plan for your circumstances. Even if you’ve been told in the past that you don’t qualify for dental implants, we encourage you to visit our Midlothian expert for a second opinion. 

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Our innovative technology and expert team make dental implants a possibility for adults throughout the Ellis, Dallas, and Tarrant County regions. Whether you’ve lost teeth due to injury, decay, or other factors, dental implants could be the answer you’ve been searching for. 

At Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery in Midlothian, TX, our expert team is committed to helping you achieve the smile you deserve. Contact us to schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a more confident and fulfilling future with dental implants.