Month: January 2023

Did You Know: Extra and Missing Wisdom Teeth

  Each of our teeth erupts at different stages of life. Our baby teeth come in but then fall out, giving way to our adult teeth. Our wisdom teeth tend to be the last set of teeth that emerge and are almost forgotten about until they begin making their way through the gums. At times,… Read more »

Why Are Dental Implants Better Than Bridges Or Dentures?

implants are better than bridges and dentures

  Tooth loss is a concern whether it’s only one missing tooth or all of them. Missing teeth can affect your oral health and alter your overall quality of life. It can also have a big impact on your self-esteem, and make you feel more and more self-conscious when you’re around other people. This can… Read more »

What To Consider Before Getting Botox

botox midlothian

Botulinum toxin, also known as Botox, is an injectable medication that temporarily paralyzes the facial muscles where it’s applied. It has become very popular because of its ability to enhance your skin tone and appearance with very little downtime. Plus, there’s no irreversible surgery required. At Texas Institute of Oral, Facial and Implant Surgery, we… Read more »