Case 1
This patient recently completed her work with an All-on-4 Surgery. (AKA hybrid denture or implant supported fixed denture) A hybrid denture is a permanent set of teeth that look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. Essentially, this type of denture is stabilized in the jaw bone by dental implants and is a cross between a traditional denture and a fixed bridge. The patient had her upper and lower arch restored.
Case 2
This patient recently completed his work with an All-on-4 Surgery. (AKA: hybrid denture or implant supported fixed denture) A hybrid denture is a permanent set of teeth that look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. Essentially, this type of denture is stabilized in the jaw bone by dental implants and is a cross between a traditional denture and a fixed bridge. The patient had his upper and lower arch restored.
Case 3
This patient has completed her All-on-4 Surgery on her upper arch only. (AKA hybrid denture or implant supported fixed denture) A hybrid denture is a permanent set of teeth that look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. Essentially, this type of denture is stabilized in the jaw bone by dental implants and is a cross between a traditional denture and a fixed bridge.