Month: March 2021

Is Dental Anxiety Getting in the Way of Your Oral Surgery?

Overcoming dental anxiety for oral surgery

Dental anxiety, regardless of how “mild” or “severe” it may feel, can often be a barrier when it comes to accessing the dental treatment you deserve. Even if you know you need a particular procedure performed, just one bad experience from the past can prevent you from even scheduling a consultation with your dentist.  … Read more »

How Easy is it to Care for Dental Implants?

How do you take care of dental implants?

Curious about what it’s like to take care of dental implants every day? Dental implant maintenance is easier than you probably think!   Just Like Caring for Natural Teeth   It’s true. When you’re learning how to take care of dental implants it’s nearly identical to how you look after natural, anatomical teeth.   Plan… Read more »

I Need an Oral Biopsy: What Should I Do?

An oral biopsy answers a lot of questions about the unknown. “What is a biopsy?” “Should I be concerned?” “Is it something cancerous?” “What’s in that cyst?” “Will the biopsy hurt?”   Early diagnosis of suspicious lesions is one of the best ways to effectively treat oral disease. The sooner concerning tissues can be pinpointed,… Read more »

Does it Hurt to Get Dental Implants?

Today’s dental implants (Midlothian) are the next best thing to having natural teeth. Their integrity, streamlined design, and biocompatibility are superior to any other type of tooth replacement. Yet, many people are hesitant about dental implant treatment because of unknowns. For instance, how comfortable can the process actually be?     “Easier Than Having a… Read more »