Common Wisdom Tooth Complications

Wisdom teeth typically start to erupt sometime during high school. Depending on the person, the symptoms can come and go or range from mild to chronic.


At Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery, we see several common symptoms of impacted and infected wisdom teeth. Here are some of the more frequent “red flags” to be on the lookout for:


Pain — Wisdom tooth pain tends to ebb and flow as the third molars develop. Some days there may be a dull ache, while others require medication to numb the pain.


Swelling — Inflammation is usually because of an infection or pressure in the immediate space surrounding the wisdom tooth. It’s also the most common cause of pain.


Limited Opening — Swelling, infection, and discomfort from wisdom teeth can impact the day-to-day range of motion while you’re trying to eat or talk.


Cavities — Difficult-to-reach wisdom teeth are at a higher risk of cavities. When they decay, the cavity can also spread into the healthy adjacent tooth. It’s typically not the standard of care to treat cavities in wisdom teeth; an extraction is usually recommended.


Gum Disease — Partially-erupted wisdom teeth often have small flaps of tissue or pockets around them, which can harbor periodontal infections.


Crowded Teeth — The pressure caused by erupting wisdom teeth can push on the teeth next to them, creating a chain reaction of tooth movement throughout your smile. Crowding can be a big concern if you or your child already completed orthodontic therapy.



Wisdom Tooth Treatments


Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery offers safe, comfortable wisdom tooth extractions for families in Ellis, Dallas, Tarrant, and Hill Counties. If you or your teen are experiencing wisdom tooth complications, contact us today to reserve an oral surgery consultation. We’ll be happy to answer any questions that you may have!



Wisdom Tooth Extraction During Summer Vacation

Midlothian wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom tooth removal isn’t a rite of passage into adulthood, but there are some stages of life when it’s better than others to go ahead and have them removed. Like during the summer months, when your teen or young adult is between classes or about to head off to college.



More Time for R&R


Summer wisdom tooth extractions mean you won’t have to rush the recovery and get your student straight back to school. And if you’re still working from home, your teen can recover while you’re there by their side.



Avoid Emergencies Off at College


If your teen is at-risk for infected or impacted wisdom teeth, it’s usually a matter of time before the pain starts. Planning a wisdom tooth removal before your student leaves for college provides a safety net of unnecessary pain or dental emergencies when you aren’t there to help. Instead, they can focus on their studies (and yes, having fun.)



Scheduling Around Jobs and Summer Camp


Lots of teens enjoy heading off to sports or church camps, getting a summer job, and just sleeping in while they have the time. Now that places are opening back up again, chances are that your family’s schedule is filling up quicker than it has in over a year. Make a list of the weeks that are free and try to arrange your teen’s wisdom tooth removal while there is still availability during those dates.



DFW Wisdom Tooth Extractions


Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery is located at the center of Dallas, Ellis, Tarrant, and Hill Counties, providing convenient access to wisdom tooth treatments and sedation dentistry in DFW. If your teen is experiencing symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth or about to head off to college this fall, request a consultation with us today.


Wisdom Teeth FAQ

wisdom teeth Dallas

Do you need to see an oral surgeon about wisdom teeth removal in Dallas?

Wisdom teeth (third molars) are some of the most common teeth to have extracted. But removal isn’t always necessarily a rite of passage into adulthood. Here are some of the most common questions people ask our DFW wisdom tooth expert:


When do Wisdom Teeth “Grow In”?

Wisdom teeth begin developing very early on during childhood. They typically start “cutting through” the gums during high school, but third molars may not be fully developed until you’re closer to 30 years old.


My Wisdom Tooth Doesn’t Hurt. Should it be Removed?

Pain isn’t always a good determining factor as to whether a tooth needs to be extracted. If your wisdom teeth are damaging the tissues or teeth next to them, removal is recommended.


Can Wisdom Teeth Damage Other Teeth?

Yes. Especially if they’re impacted or erupting at an angle into their neighbor.


Why do Wisdom Teeth Develop Cysts Around Them?

All teeth have a developmental “eruption cyst” as they grow. But impacted or infected wisdom teeth may have atypical, enlarged cyst growth.


Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Teeth Crowding?

Yes. The pressure from wisdom teeth at the back of your mouth can press other teeth forward, creating a chain reaction of misalignment throughout your smile.


Does it Hurt to Have Wisdom Teeth Removed?

We offer in-house sedation dentistry options during your dental extractions or wisdom tooth removal. Your comfort is extremely important to us, so we strive to create a pain-free experience regardless of the treatment that you have planned. Especially third molar extractions.


Wisdom Tooth Extractions | Dallas, Ellis, Tarrant County


Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery provides wisdom tooth removal for adults and teens. As an expert oral surgeon, Dr. Quinton offers the highest level of care in a state-of-the-art atmosphere at our DFW practice.


Contact us today to reserve an appointment.

Traditional vs. Implant Supported Dentures

advantage of implant supported dentures Dallas

Considering dental implant supported dentures? It’s time to see our DFW specialist!

Are you planning to replace all of your teeth? A full-arch prosthesis is one of your best options. Although dentures have been around for centuries, more modern designs — combined with dental implants — provide better versatility than ever before.



Benefits of Dentures


Traditional Dallas dentures are sometimes called “plates”. They’re a full-arch acrylic appliance that quickly and affordably replaces all of your teeth in one arch (upper or lower jaw.)


Unfortunately, dentures rely on suction to keep them in place. This design can mean more rocking and shifting (or slurring) during your day-to-day activities.



Stabilized Overdentures

A step-up from traditional dentures is a stabilized, implant-secured “overdenture.” Overdentures are essentially a traditional full denture that has 2-4 dental implants to “snap” or “clip” onto during the day. The corresponding implants help stabilize the prosthesis throughout the day so that you don’t need adhesives, denture pastes, or other messy products.



Overdentures typically have what’s called “locators” on the underside of the plate. These locators are what attach to the traditional dental implants in your mouth. You’ll still remove your denture at night, the way you would a conventional appliance.



What About Permanent Implant Dentures?


In addition to implant-supported implants, another option is a permanent “All-on-4” style of prosthesis. All-on-4 implants are a fixed, hybrid appliance that’s more streamlined than a full removable denture (almost like a dental bridge.) As few as 4-6 implants can anchor it permanently into place. Once installed, these implant dentures are only removable by a dentist or implant specialist. They’re the gold standard when it comes to smile reconstruction.



DFW Implants and Dentures


Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery is located in the heart of Dallas, Ellis, Tarrant, and Hill Counties. As your preferred DFW dental implant provider, we facilitate a customized experience that puts your needs and concerns first.


Contact our dental implant specialist today to reserve a zero-hassle consultation and screening for All-on-4 implants.

What to Expect: Dental Sedation

dental sedation Dallas

Dallas dental sedation is extremely safe and effective.

Dental sedation is a safe and comfortable way to relax through your necessary oral health procedures. Whether you’re having dental implants placed, getting wisdom teeth removed, or undergoing full mouth reconstruction, “sleep dentistry” or sedation is extremely common.


Types of Dental Sedation


One of the most common types of dental sedation is nitrous oxide (laughing gas.) But if you’re having a more complex or lengthier procedure performed, you’ll typically want something a bit stronger, such as oral sedation or IV sedation.


IV Dental Sedation (DFW Oral Surgery)


At Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery, our oral surgery specialist provides in-house IV sedation during the majority of our services. This deeper level of sedative is extremely safe and effective. It also prevents you from having to visit a hospital facility for general anesthesia, as IV sedation is a step down from it. Although it feels as if you’re sleeping through the entire appointment, you’ll still be slightly responsive.


Since most dental sedation medications also cause amnesia, you may not remember much — if anything — about your appointment.


How Dental Sedation Works


IV sedation uses an intravenous line placed directly into your arm. From there, our oral surgeon administers a specific dose of medication that drips through the line and into your bloodstream. The medication causes deep drowsiness, causing you to drift off within a matter of seconds.


Once our oral surgeon completes your required treatment, the medication drip is turned off. From there, you slowly regain your full awareness of your surroundings. However, you’ll still feel pretty groggy for the next couple of hours, so you’ll need to have a friend or family member here with you to drive you home afterward.


Is Sedation Dentistry Right for Me?


Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery provides safe, specialist-administered IV sedation for our oral surgery and implant patients. Call today for an appointment.



Advantages of Dental Implants

dental implants Dallas

Looking for the best dental implants in Dallas/Ft. Worth?

Are DFW dental implants the best way to replace missing teeth? Absolutely! Here’s why…


They’re Permanent

Our Dallas dental implants are designed to last the rest of your life. Compared to other types of tooth replacements, implants provide you with the best return on investment when you consider how long they last. When cared for properly, an implant can last for life.


Implants are Extremely Strong


The integrity of dental implants is stronger than healthy natural teeth — and that’s saying a lot because tooth enamel is the hardest substance in our bodies. The material they’re designed from is also used for surgical procedures such as joint replacement.


Use Them Alone or Paired with Other Implants


Since implants are so strong, they have the capability of supporting single-tooth restorations (like crowns). But they can also work in pairs for multi-tooth restorations (dental bridges) or in sets of 4-6 for a full-arch prosthesis. There’s not necessarily a need to place an individual implant for each tooth that’s missing.



Implants are Easy to Care For


When you have dental implants, you get to treat them like natural teeth. Floss once a day, brush twice daily and schedule your regular six-month checkups with your dentist. There’s really nothing extra to do. As long as you keep the gums around them healthy, you know that the underlying bone is sound as well.



Modern Implants Change Your Life


Dental implants are the next best thing to having natural teeth again. Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery offers comprehensive dental implant therapy in DFW. So whether you’re in Dallas, Tarrant, Ellis, or Hill County, our specialist is close to home and easy to get to.


Enjoy your smile again. Call us today to request an appointment to see if dental implants are right for you.



TMJ Disorder Signs and Symptoms

TMJ disorder Dallas, TX

TMJ Disorder (TMD, TMJD) is a condition that significantly reduces the function of your temporomandibular joints — that is, the joints on either side of your mouth, just in front of either ear. Although it’s fairly common to experience TMJ pain from time to time, clinical TMD can be extremely inhibitive and uncomfortable for a long period of time.


If you suspect that you could have TMJ disorder/TMJD, here’s what to look for:


Limited Range of Motion


Someone with TMJ disorder will usually be unable to open their mouth as wide as they used to. It could even be painful to close their teeth together and apply pressure while chewing. If you can’t open your mouth without discomfort, it could be due to joint abnormalities.


Clicking or Popping Jaw


Depending on the anatomy inside of your TMJ, the disc may pop or click when you’re opening and closing your mouth. Audible noises aren’t normal. There could even be a slight crepitation/grinding noise if the bone is unhealthy.


TMD Pain, Headaches, or Earaches


Chronic TMJD pain can cause migraine headache symptoms, ear pain, and muscle aches through your neck and shoulders. If you’re prone to clenching and grinding your teeth or suffer from sleep apnea, you’ll probably also notice worn or flat teeth.


Deviation to One Side


TMJD alters the natural patterns of motion in your mandible. When you open and close, you might notice your jaw deviating to one side instead of moving straight up and down.


Request a Professional Evaluation


Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery has onsite 3D CT scanning technology, allowing us to see directly into your TMJ to evaluate the tissues, ligaments, and bone tissue from every angle. If you’re experiencing symptoms of TMJ pain, contact our office today to request a consultation.

The Full Mouth Rehabilitation Experience

Full mouth rehabilitation Dallas, TX

Do you have multiple missing teeth? Perhaps you’re currently suffering from extensive periodontal disease, broken teeth, or already wear dentures and you’re just hoping for a complete “overhaul” of your smile. With Full Mouth Rehabilitation (aka Full Mouth Restoration or “FMR”) you can reconstruct your overall bite so that it is both functional as well as attractive.


An Individualized Experience


What is it that you need from a smile makeover? Is your goal to replace all of your teeth with dental implants, fill out your facial profile for a more youthful appearance, or give yourself the gift of a permanent restoration that doesn’t have to come out at the end of the day?


At Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery, we work with you one-on-one to discuss the possibilities. Your full mouth reconstruction experience will be one that incorporates the best implant therapies and restorations for your unique circumstances. So, whether you’re trying to work within a specific timeframe or at a certain budget, we’ll provide you with the best options to choose from.


Full-Mouth Results


One of the most unique facets of a full mouth rehabilitation experience is that we’re not picking and choosing areas to address on a tooth-by-tooth basis. Everything is planned as a part of the comprehensive experience. As such, you can expect your bite to align properly and harmoniously, allowing for the best function and performance.


Additionally, being that the restorations are integrated into the same care plan, you can play a more hands-on role in how you want your smile’s permanent characteristics to appear. Perhaps we’re hoping to achieve a certain size, shape, or color across your entire bite. It’s best to plan those types of smile makeovers as a whole, rather than one tooth at a time.


Request a Consultation


Contact Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery to reserve an exam and consultation.

Is Dental Anxiety Getting in the Way of Your Oral Surgery?

Overcoming dental anxiety for oral surgery

Dental anxiety, regardless of how “mild” or “severe” it may feel, can often be a barrier when it comes to accessing the dental treatment you deserve. Even if you know you need a particular procedure performed, just one bad experience from the past can prevent you from even scheduling a consultation with your dentist.


It’s no different when it comes to specialized procedures like oral surgery, wisdom tooth removal, or dental implant placement. And as with many oral health conditions, delaying treatment can lead to more aggressive care needs and additional expenses.


Overcoming Dental Anxiety (Oral Surgery)


There are two important things to keep in mind when you’re struggling with dental anxiety:


One is to find a passionate, gentle oral surgery center in DFW that’s committed to your comfort and a high quality of care. Meeting a Dallas oral surgeon one-on-one may be the only peace of mind you need.


Two, ask about the oral surgeon’s sedation methods and options. How do they work? Will you sleep through the entire appointment? Is there a chance you’ll remember anything? What is the recovery like?


Although there are various types of sedation dentistry used throughout the greater DFW area, an oral surgery specialist will be able to provide you with the deepest, most relaxing, and safe anesthesia options without having to visit a hospital.


Meet Our DFW Oral Surgeon


Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery offers the convenience of close-to-home care with the skilled hands of a highly-experienced oral surgery expert. We’re conveniently located in south DFW near the center of Mansfield, Cedar Hill, Dallas, Ellis, and Hill County.


Contact us today to reserve a private oral surgery evaluation. We’re happy to help!



How Easy is it to Care for Dental Implants?

How do you take care of dental implants?

Curious about what it’s like to take care of dental implants every day? Dental implant maintenance is easier than you probably think!


Just Like Caring for Natural Teeth


It’s true. When you’re learning how to take care of dental implants it’s nearly identical to how you look after natural, anatomical teeth.


Plan to brush your implants twice a day, using a non-abrasive toothpaste and soft toothbrush. Electric brushes are even better, as they remove additional plaque buildup and help stimulate blood flow in your gum tissues.


Dental implants need to be flossed at least once a day. As with a natural tooth, wrap the floss in a “C” shape and slide it up and down either side of your implant. If you have a multi-tooth implant restoration such as a bridge or All-on-4 treatment, you can either use a floss treader or swap it out entirely and use a water flossing device instead.


Dental Checkup Frequency


Although they can’t get cavities, you’ll still want to take care of dental implants by scheduling a checkup with your dentist every six months. These bi-annual visits will allow your implant specialist or family dentist to monitor the integrity of your implant support. Plus, your hygienist can also use special tools to clean away any buildup or stain that may have accumulated since the last appointment.


Dental Implants DFW, Dallas, Ellis County


Investing in dental implants is one of the best things you can do for your smile’s future. With an option that’s as easy to care for as natural teeth, you can’t go wrong! Contact Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery today to find out if dental implants are right for you.