Looking for the best dental implants in Dallas/Ft. Worth?
Are DFW dental implants the best way to replace missing teeth? Absolutely! Here’s why…
They’re Permanent
Our Dallas dental implants are designed to last the rest of your life. Compared to other types of tooth replacements, implants provide you with the best return on investment when you consider how long they last. When cared for properly, an implant can last for life.
Implants are Extremely Strong
The integrity of dental implants is stronger than healthy natural teeth — and that’s saying a lot because tooth enamel is the hardest substance in our bodies. The material they’re designed from is also used for surgical procedures such as joint replacement.
Use Them Alone or Paired with Other Implants
Since implants are so strong, they have the capability of supporting single-tooth restorations (like crowns). But they can also work in pairs for multi-tooth restorations (dental bridges) or in sets of 4-6 for a full-arch prosthesis. There’s not necessarily a need to place an individual implant for each tooth that’s missing.
Implants are Easy to Care For
When you have dental implants, you get to treat them like natural teeth. Floss once a day, brush twice daily and schedule your regular six-month checkups with your dentist. There’s really nothing extra to do. As long as you keep the gums around them healthy, you know that the underlying bone is sound as well.
Modern Implants Change Your Life
Dental implants are the next best thing to having natural teeth again. Texas Institute of Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery offers comprehensive dental implant therapy in DFW. So whether you’re in Dallas, Tarrant, Ellis, or Hill County, our specialist is close to home and easy to get to.
Enjoy your smile again. Call us today to request an appointment to see if dental implants are right for you.