You’ve tossed your cap in the air! You did it, you graduated from high school! You did all the work, completed all the exams, and passed. There may be one exam that still needs to be completed before you head off to start your new college life. That is an exam to check your wisdom teeth!
We know you probably don’t want to spend your summer thinking about your wisdom teeth or having them removed. That would just interfere with all of your plans. Or perhaps you have a job for the summer and you’re not sure you will be able to get time off for surgery or the recovery afterward.
Before you run ahead with all the scenarios that present a challenge to wisdom teeth removal, let’s just start with the consultation.
Booking a Wisdom Teeth Consultation
There are steps that need to be taken before you can have your wisdom teeth removed. A consultation is the first step. If you or your dentist have some concerns about your wisdom teeth, a consultation with our oral surgeon is where you’ll get the clarity you need with regard to treatment.
It’s a good opportunity to meet our oral surgeon and use this time to ask as many questions as needed in order to feel comfortable with any decision that needs to be made. We recommend you bring one of your parents with you as well so they are also fully aware of what is going on.
A few questions you can start with include:
- Will I need surgery?
- How long will it take?
- Will I be awake or asleep?
- Do all of my wisdom teeth need to be removed?
- How long will it take to recover?
- Who should come with me on the day of my surgery?
Advanced Preparation for Wisdom Teeth Removal
The benefit of having a wisdom tooth consultation booked is being able to prepare in advance. If a parent is with you, this is a good time to go over what will be needed before, during, and after the surgery. Ideally, before you head off to college!
Your parents can take a look at dates on the calendar with you to figure out what will be the best time to have surgery performed. If it’s important to have the wisdom teeth removed sooner than later, something can be scheduled before leaving for college. This way you won’t run into issues while you’re away from home. If it’s not urgent, then an appointment can be booked at a later date perhaps when you are home for the holidays.
Finances and Insurance (Wisdom Teeth)
Finances may not be on the top of your list but we’re sure it is something your parents need to consider. Your parent(s) can take the opportunity at the consultation to speak with our treatment coordinator about the cost of treatment and options for payment. They will also help with submitting any insurance estimates to see if wisdom teeth removal is eligible for coverage.
Contact our Ellis County oral surgery office today to find out if you have healthy wisdom teeth before heading off to college in the next few months.